ACE Nutrition

Creating life athletes.

Hey! I’m Kellie.

MNU Certified Nutritionist, Precision Nutrition L1 & 2 Certified, NCI Hormone Specialist, NCI Mindset Specialist

I founded ACE Nutrition to help you lose fat, boost metabolism, and build muscle through food & fitness. 

Click below to apply for nutrition coaching with myself or another coach on my team!

Kellie Largay Nutrition Coach

ACE Nutrition

Creating life athletes.

Hey! I’m Kellie.

MNU Certified Nutritionist, Precision Nutrition L1 & 2 Certified, NCI Hormone Specialist, NCI Mindset Specialist

I founded ACE Nutrition to help you lose fat, boost metabolism, and build muscle through food & fitness. 

Click below to apply for nutrition coaching with myself or another coach on my team!

Details on my LEANbody Nutrition Coaching Program

Meet the ACE Nutrition Coaches!

Kellie Largay, MN. Nutr

Founder of ACE Nutrition

Certifications: MNU Certified Nutritionist, B.Sc., Precision Nutrition-1 & 2, 
NCI Hormone Specialist | NCI Mindset Specialist NCI | L1 Certified

Kellie is originally from St. Johnsbury, VT and obtained a bachelor’s degree in applied Exercise Science at Springfield College. Kellie holds her CPT (Certified Personal Trainer) certification through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Kellie runs our nutrition program at ACE Fitness and she specializes in helping women regain their strength, health, energy and power through personal nutrition coaching. She became a Precision Nutrition/ETP certified nutrition coach in 2015. In 2018 she became an NCI Certified Hormone specialist, NCI Mindset specialist, and also an NCI L1 Nutrition coach. She specializes in nutrition for weight loss and sports performance.

During high school and college, Kellie excelled on the softball field. Since graduating college, Kellie has competed in 9 half marathons,1 full marathon, and a couple of strongman competitions.

Ashley Holly, RD

Registered Dietitian

Ashley is from Wisconsin where she graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Madison in Dietetics. She is certified to teach meditation and yoga through Chopra Center. She has worked in integrative oncology, diabetes, and wellness throughout her career, and has found her passion for nutrition coaching.

She is the mom of 2 boys (Carver (7) and Brody (5) ).

She believes in the power of honesty, vulnerability, and has a side passion of normalizing imperfection, and breaking food rules. She is incredibly passionate about combining concepts of happiness and a sense of wellbeing with an achievement of health and longevity. She has helped hundreds of people who have tried every diet without results to restore their health and happiness.

Sid Pyer

Certified Nutrition Coach

Certifications:  B.S Wellness Management, PN Level 1 Nutrition Coach, ACE Medical Exercise Specialist, ACE Senior Fitness Specialist, NCI LV 1 & 2 Certified Nutrition Coach

Sid lives in Wyoming with her husband and fur babies. She has over 27 years of experience in the Health & Wellness field and specializes in working with women who are struggling with a medical diagnosis by helping them understand and put into practice nutrition & fitness habits to achieve their health goals. She also specializes in helping women navigate the transition from perimenopause into menopause. This can be a very frustrating and overwhelming time for many women. Sid is understanding and compassionate and works with her clients on nutrition & lifestyle habits that will make this transition less complicated.

Sid loves to say “Age is only a number, you can be healthy and fit at ANY age!”

Sid was a 2 sport athlete in college – basketball and volleyball. In her late 30’s she started running and has completed MANY half marathons, full marathons and a 50K. Now in her 50’s she continues to believe age is only a number, and continues to run half marathons with an occasional full marathon, plays competitive volleyball, lifts weights and loves to hike. She is also a mom and loves to rescue senior dogs!

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ACE Nutrition

ACE Nutrition Transformations & Testimonials

Working with Kellie has been amazing. I went from eating roughly 80 grams of protein a day and binging every night to eating roughly 145 grams of protein and feeling full and satisfied every day. Kellie has taught me how to fuel my body properly and nothing is off limits. I feel stronger and more energetic now than ever before. I just love working with her.


Working with Kellie has been life changing! She took the complexity out of nutrition and made everything simple from the start, giving me clear and detailed options and supporting me in every decision I made. Not only am I absolutely thrilled with everything I’ve accomplished so far in my time working with her, I’m also grateful for the lifelong knowledge I’ve gained that will continue to benefit me and my family for years to come.


After years of significant calorie restriction and cardio averaging 6 days/week because this is what we were taught to do (and it did work briefly), I was making NO gains. Severely overweight in my mid-20s, I had some demons chasing me. To say I was frustrated and defeated would be an understatement. I needed some help for this later stage in my life as an athlete, so I contacted Kellie!

I am now eating more calories, exercising (but not like a fiend) and I am seeing and feeling those gains. The scale and I are now civil to one another. My performance is better and I feel in control of my body for the first time in a decade. And there is more to come, yeah!


I reached out to Kellie after becoming increasingly frustrated with my get healthy journey. I had lost some weight, but my health wasn’t improving like I felt it should be. Working with Kellie I’ve lost about 15lbs so far, come off of a couple medications( with Doctor’s approval) and have gained a healthy relationship with food! If you’re considering reaching out, take this as your sign, and don’t wait any longer! I promise if you put in the work you won’t regret it.


Kellie has been my nutrition coach for about 3 years now. There is not a day that goes by that I regret making the commitment to work with her. I was skeptical at first because Kellie is much more than my coach…she is my daughter and you know how that “mother/daughter thing” goes sometimes! But Kellie has been nothing less than professional throughout the entire process. She is able to explain the most complex situation so that I understand it and if I have any questions I am not embarrassed to ask them. She never makes me feel like I’m asking a “dumb question”.

If I’ve had an “off” week, she is always able to turn my perspective around by somehow finding a positive to point out to me ….and she is always able to find a positive. That makes me want to move on and tackle the next week.

When the situation arises, Kellie has no problem telling it like it is. She has had to apply some “tough love” at times but it truly was for my own good (funny how our roles reverse in life). And she does it in a way that makes you WANT to overcome what you thought was impossible.

Kellie’s knowledge of nutrition, hormones, people, emotions, mindset never ceases to amaze me. I have witnessed her take numerous courses to better her understanding of so many facets of the nutrition world. This goes to show how invested she is in her clients, her business, her employees and that she has a true desire to help her clients achieve maximum results to enhance their weight loss and athletic performance. “Creating Life Athletes” is exactly what she does. At (almost) 64 years of age and having struggled with my weight all my life, I am absolutely positive that without Kellie’s guidance I would not have FINALLY hit my weight loss goal. Nor would I be anywhere near as active as I am. Thank you Kel.


My story is probably very similar to many. I have “dieted” on and off pretty much since college. I was actually pretty good at it as long as I took a break for a few years in between each diet I tried. I would eliminate calories very quickly and would lose the weight but it wasn’t sustainable. Over the years I tried Keto, low carb/low fat, Arbonne, intermittent fasting and the list goes on. I was excited when I could eat 1200 calories and NOT feel lousy the whole day!!

I was super excited when a friend introduced me to Kellie and ACE nutrition. It took me a while to get started as I have a busy life, mom of three, my mother was ill and juggling work and home. When I finally started with Kellie, I told myself I was just going to trust the process. I felt like I already had a pretty good grasp on the basics (carbs, protein, fat, what foods to eat, etc). Kellie has fine-tuned the process for me- adding in vitamins and minerals I was missing, suggesting pre and post-workout meals, and helping me balance nutrition while continuing to maintain my busy lifestyle. I’m grateful for all the group resources ACE provides and the one-on-one coaching. I’m looking forward to continuing this journey!


I have worked with Kellie for about 18 months. During this time I’ve lost 20 lbs and kept it off, learned how to eat to fuel my body for the workouts and hobbies I enjoy, and have toned my body more than I thought possible. I have PR’d on my half and also ran my first marathon. I love that my nutrition is customized for me and that I eat real food!! For the first time in my life, I have a sustainable nutrition plan.


I turned 52 this week and have never felt better, thanks to Kellie at ACE Nutrition!

Since working with her these past 16 weeks, I have more energy which has helped my endurance in the outdoor activities I love: hiking, biking & running.

No more yo-yo dieting for me! Kellie has coached me on how to eat more calories, track macros and have fun in my health journey. This is the best gift I’ve given myself, one that will last a lifetime!

Shelly W.

When I reached out to ACE Nutrition, I had desperate hopes to correct over a decade worth of poor digestive health that was impacting my daily quality of life. I am gluten-free, so I was sure there was a nutritional deficit contributing to my problems and nothing I’ve tried has helped consistently. While digestion was my primary goal, I also would consider myself an athlete and wanted to optimize my performance. Between my hobbies of competitive disc golf at an amateur level and having an intense weight training regime, I wanted to be sure I was fueling myself to perform optimally and to see the most potential progress in my training.

For the first time since 2014, my digestive health is no longer at the forefront of my mind because it’s become a non-issue. With Kellie’s guidance, we’ve made the adjustments and found a plan that works for me, and the benefits trickle into other areas of my life. I have more energy in my workouts and have seen great muscular gains, my sleep is improved, and I am finding more focus in my everyday life.

Now that my primary goal has shifted from digestion to performance, I am excited to see how Kellie and I can work together to continue and make great strides in my athletic abilities! :muscle:

Lindsey K.

After expressing frustration with my relationship with food, a friend (and one of my trainers) suggested I join the Ace Nutrition Community. I needed to know that after all my 58 years of trying everything imaginable to lose fat (unsuccessfully), I applied for 1:1 coaching, and Kellie accepted the challenge! I feel like I have finally learned lifestyle changes that are true, sustainable habits. Kellie and her team do not judge, ridicule, nag… any of the annoying things like the other programs I tried in the past. I know that recovery and learning are slow and steady, but it took me 58 years to get here! A huge bonus – the negative self-talk is now just a whisper – and it’s not every day! Thank you, Kellie and Ace Nutrition!

Amy F.

When I first began working with Kellie, I was about four weeks post-partum. To say I was struggling with my nutrition is an understatement. The overwhelming emotions of being a new mom, battling hormonal changes and the harsh reality of sleep deprivation was making it nearly impossible to even think about making healthy food choices. I knew that eating clean and drinking enough water were all crucial aspects of caring for myself and my new baby but knowing how to go about this during such a chaotic time was too much to think about. I was bloated, tired, and feeling more lethargic than I ever had before. Kellie was incredibly understanding about where I was physically, mentally, and emotionally throughout our journey.

As a licensed mental health counselor, I truly understand how our minds and bodies are connected so I appreciated Kellie’s wealth of knowledge and approach around physical and emotional wellness. She knew the exact pace at which I needed to begin this path of nutritional wellness. When my old behavior patterns of all or nothing thinking got in the way of meeting my goals, she would carefully help me to identify what was happening, pivot and move forward without shaming myself, as I would have done in the past. I began to look at food as medicine for my physical and emotional well being which in turn helped me learn to plan my meals instead of making impulsive decisions throughout the day. Once I started focusing on food quality and my daily water intake, the physical and emotional changes that took place were truly life-changing for me. At a time in my life where stress was at an all-time high and my needs had to be on the back burner, Kellie educated and supported me through a complete physical and emotional transformation.

To anyone who is considering nutrition coaching, go for it! It was the best gift I have ever given myself in terms of my overall well-being and health. Not only did I experience significant positive changes that I could see, but I also developed life-changing habits that I know will stick with me forever!

Kathryn W.

I began working with Kellie just over three months ago. I reached out to her because I needed help getting on track. I was finding that, as I got older, I was having a difficult time maintaining my weight, and I wasn’t happy with the direction I was headed.

With guidance from Kellie, I’ve learned how to make food choices that better support my fitness goals, recognizing that those goals will change with time. My relationship with food has never been bad. Thanks to Kellie, though, I have a much greater understanding of the connection between eating well, feeling well, and making physical gains, at any age.

I have learned so much from Kellie in our short time together. I look forward to connecting with her each week to strategize and determine my focus. I appreciate that she pushes me, while offering support each step of the way. I feel as though I found Kellie at the perfect time, and I’m excited about what I’ll be able to accomplish with her support and guidance.”

Wendy Olcott

I started working with Kellie when I thought that I wasn’t strong enough to compete as a heavyweight strongwoman athlete. I had witnessed via live feed my trainer & training partners completely dominate at the Nationals competition and I made it my goal to be with them the next year. I knew that Kellie had the tools to get me where I wanted to be. We started the process of reverse dieting so we could kick my metabolism into gear. A few months into it, we learned that my body didn’t want to be a middleweight, it was happy in the 200-pound realm. This was a hard thing for me to accept but with Kellie by my side, she helped me fuel my body to become the strongest that I have ever been. I met my goal – I competed with my team at Nationals and took 3rd place in the HW division.

Kellie is extremely knowledgeable and will push you to your limits to meet/exceed your goals – you may not like her at times during the process but she’s got your back! Kellie will be your biggest cheerleader during the transition from bad/fad diets to an actual lifestyle change. I now appreciate life without the fear of having someone scold me for enjoying a piece of pizza, some ice cream, or a cocktail (or sometimes 3) because that is what she wants her clients to do…LIVE!

Jocelyn Delworth